Reading excerpts of the 2023 winning manuscipt be;n il-kmiem (Merlin Publishers) during the prize-giving ceremony of Il-Konkors ta’ Letteratura għaż-Żgħażagħ
A book with twelve stories for children was just published by Kunsill Reġjonali Lvant. More information can be found here. Leanne Ellul’s story is entitled “Ilma sħun banju u ħasla ħaslun: Storja f’sitt ritratti”. The curation of the book was handled by Michael Spagnol and the illustrations are the work of Julian Mallia (Julinu).
Events @ The Malta Book Festival 2024
Aphroconfuso: The anthology launch on 31 October 2024
Guest on Sagħtar FM, interviewed by Maria Laura Vella Clark
Immanuel Mifsud reads “Iż-Żifna tal-Abjad” as part of Inwaħħdu xhibat minn kullimkien
An essay by Clare Azzopardi on Bjuda published by Versopolis: Encoding/Decoding White
Finalist in three categories of the National Book Prize 2024
Interview with Malika Booker in relation to the Malta Mediterranean Literature Festival 2024 for the Times of Malta: My Poetics is shaped by the legacy of the Middle Passage
Dizzjunarju tal-Maħbubin
Get your tickets from here.
A marathon like no other! Leanne Ellul will be reading at 4pm. Join us on the day!
Visiting Qrendi’s Primary School as part of the Day of European Authors!
Read more about this initiative here.
An interview for Merlin Publishers: Kif tarani iktibni!
An interview for!
All aboard! Booking is now open for The Shrinking Violets’ first ever show in Maltese, Il-Fatat Kaħlani!
Adapted from the beloved children’s book of the same name, join railway conductor Mundu at the Railway Station Garden in Birkirkara, for a whimsical journey full of colourful characters and musical merriment the whole family will love.
Don’t miss the train! Book your tickets today at and get set for a magical adventure!
Show dates and times:
• Saturday 23 March at 3pm
• Sunday 24 March at 10.30am or 12pm
Ages: 6-9
The Shrinking Violets’ production of Il-Fatat Kaħlani is supported by Arts Council Malta.
Mill-Pinna Tagħha on TVM
An interview on TVAM speaking about Il-Fatat Kaħlani
An interview by Angele Galea
Winner of the Novel for Youths Book Prize 2024
The latest interview on a local newspaper (by Alfred Massa)
25, a new radio programme by Inizjamed on Campus 103.7 every Thursday at 3pm and every Sunday at 8.30am
Launching KOTBA KULLIMKIEN, a Raħal il-Letteratura initiative managed by Fondazzjoni HELA
A snapshot from Bejn ħajt u ħajt leħni sejjieħ
Bejn ħajt u ħajt leħni sejjieħ, an evening by Clare Azzopardi, Claudia Gauci and Leanne Ellul
Guest on Francesca Briffa Polidano’s In-Nisa (RTK 103)
Editor of the translation by Nicole Vassallo (ArtiVisti) of Għażiż Missier by Franz Kafka
The speech entitled “Minn issa sat-tmiem: Dun Karm Psaila fuq ix-xwiek” was presented during the commemorative evening for the National Poet at the President’s Palace
Watch here:
A comment about Joe Camilleri’s latest book of short stories:
Joe Camilleri għandu ħakma liema bħalha fuq il-Malti. Jikteb stejjer b'Malti preċiż u li kultant jiddakkru mill-Malti li hu l-Għawdxi u minn laqtiet iktar kontemporanji u vivaċi. Ta' Camilleri huma stejjer li jagħmlu l-almu tagħhom biex jirriflettu lil żmienhom fid-diskors, fl-aġir, fil-profili, fil-qilla, fid-diwi. L-istejjer tiegħu, bħal dawk f'"L-Eku tal-Ħabbata", imma anke f'oħrajn, jirrakkontaw in-nies b'karattru, bil-lakuni u l-laqtiet kollha tagħhom, l-istess bħalna l-bnedmin fil-ħajja ta' kuljum u l-isfumaturi kollha tagħha. Hemm Rosita, Peppu Kolossu, u Rolf. Imma hemm anke aħna l-qarrejja; bit-tqanqiliet tagħhom, l-istejjer jistednuna nkompluhom lil hinn mill-ftit paġni li jippruvaw jaħmkmuhom.
A feature on “Mill-Pinna Tagħha”
An exhibition organised by the National Literacy Agency
“ix-xnigħat tax-xmux u dwalijiet għammiexa” on XOW u TVM
Winner of the Doreen Micallef National Poetry Prize 2023; the winning poem can be read here
Watch the programme L-Etimoloġija here
Leħen il-Malti book launch
A short comment on John Portelli’s poems during his launch of Barren is the Bay and Here was:
Let us think of John's poems in terms of our five senses:
SIGHT - John's poems are concise, focused, concentrated. Like his short stories, these short poems encourage us to read them. Their conciseness makes one want to read and read, even more so because these poems flow from one another as if to form one long poem, as in the case of "Barren is the Bay".
SMELL - John's poems smell of the sea, mentioned 33 times in "Barren in the Bay", and 38 times in "Here was". In "Here was" we stand together with John "amid the smell of grilled fish", "the same smell of algae", "the smell of cloves" and some poems even have "the stink of death."
TASTE - John's poems taste differently. Some are like wine and age better than others, while at times we wish to have savoured more. "Same taste of salt" while others are seasoned with death. This amalgamation of tastes gives us an array of savourings; paired with "Spanish wine" we shall continue to "chew on bread and butter" whilst also savouring the breeze.
SMELL - Indeed a stanza like this appeals to all senses: "We smoke French cigarettes
on the breezy balcony
and sip Spanish wine,
drop after drop
and chew on our bread and butter."
It truly paints a picture of the whole scene. John's poems stick to us just like smoke from a cigarette does. And yet the smell of jasmine takes over, stronger than any cigarettes' smell can.
TOUCH - John's poems, finally leave a mark, they touch us in different ways. Just like the Caryatid's who with "their beauty soften(s) the gloom," John's poems can soften us too.
Dan il-kors prattiku u intensiv tal-kitba tal-poeżija, jiffoka fuq il-mekkaniżmi ewlenin li huma meħtieġa biex tinbena poeżija biċċa biċċa u biex il-poeżija ma tibqax biss kliem fuq karta, imma tieħu ħajja ġdida lil hinn, speċjalment quddiem udjenza.
Il-kors jibda billi jħares lejn dak li nkiteb diġà kif ukoll lejn dak li qed jinkiteb. Poeżiji oħra, kemm Maltin kif ukoll barranin, iservu ta’ mudell biex minnhom jinsiltu eżempji partikolari li jgħinu lil dak li jkun jirrifletti fuq l-att tal-kitba nnifisha u fuq it-tekniki diversi li jistgħu jitħaddmu u l-effett Ii jħallu. Għalhekk, dawk li jiktbu l-poeżija jinvestu l-ħin u l-enerġija kreattiva tagħhom mhux biss f'kitba li tfittex l-aħjar espressjoni possibbli imma qabelxejn fil-qari tal-poeżija. Kull sessjoni ta' sagħtejn tinqasam f’qari, riflessjonijiet u istruzzjonijiet, u f’ħin għal kitba prattika li tesperimenta b'mekkaniżmi u strateġiji differenti.
It-temi li se jiġu indirizzati huma varji u permezz tagħhom joħroġ fid-dieher kif tiġi indirizzata tema minn poeti differenti, fi żminijiet differenti. Il-kors iħares lejn tekniki bħar-ripetizzjoni u l-enjambment, kif ukoll ir-rwol fundamentali tar-ritmu u tax-xbihat figurattivi li ħafna drabi tfittex il-poeżija. Il-kors iħeġġeġ lill-parteċipanti biex jesperimentaw u ma jibżgħux jiktbu l-ewwel versi tagħhom.
Id-dati tal-kors huma dawn:
18 ta' Ottubru, 25 ta' Ottubru, 1 ta' Novembru, 8 ta' Novembru, 15 ta' Novembru, 22 ta' Novembru, 29 ta' Novembru, 6 ta' Diċembru
Leanne Ellul and friends on the PEN Malta podcast — Antenni Suspettużi — with Karl Schembri
“In October 2023 the Croatian association for the promotion of cultures Kulturtreger, published an anthology of contemporary Maltese poetry translated from English into Croatian. The book was launched during the 18th edition of Review of Small Literatures, a festival hosted at Booksa in its charming book lounge in the centre of Zagreb.” - Adrian Grima
You can watch the event here.
Stanza Azzura trad. Virginia Monteforte (L-Inventarju tal-Kamra l-Kaħla in Italian); runner-up in Premio Internazionale Rainer Maria Rilke.
The National Book Fund results are out!
L-Inventarju tal-Kamra l-Kaħla will be translated to Italian by Virginia Monteforte and published by Capire Edizioni. A couple of poems from the same book will be translated to English by Albert Gatt.
Listen to “Fuq bini” as part of Urban Fabric project
Fejjaqni Int - A book launch by Paul P. Borg at San Anton Palace
A short video of the event:
A recording of the event:
Sjesta - A book launch by Trevor Żahra (Merlin Publishers)
Read more:
Nagħmlu Storja Tinkiteb writing course (summer edition) is now open to students
An excerpt from Il-Każ tal-Kappell Ikkalibrat
Slam poetry presentation in Valletta
Delivering a workshop about SLAM POETRY entitled “Il-kelma mitkellma” together with Keith Borg
The poem “Fuq ħabbet” is read on radio
Delivering an eight-week programme of workshops to SPERO clients together with Estelle Zahra and Pamela Abela as part of the project WE ARE ALL STORYTELLERS
Delivering workshops as part of the YOU ARE WHAT YOU PROJECT by Kristina Borg
Reading at Geġwiġija Library
Workshop about writing for youths at the Campus Book Festival
A series of readings at government, church and private schools around Malta and Gozo
Organising the first literary festival in Gozo - LINJA ĦAMRA - on behalf of Inizjamed
Guest at an open mic organised by MCAST students
My new novel for children, Il-Każ tal-Kappell Ikkalibrat is out! The book is beautifully illustrated by Marisa Attard and published by Merlin Publishers.
Reading at Clint Calleja’s art exhibition Anamnesis
Nagħmlu Storja Tinkiteb writing course applications are now open
Reading at Immanuel Mifsud’s book launch of Għażiż Ġismi
The third series of the radio programme LELÀ: kliem, noti u l-bejniet on Campus FM together with Claudia Gauci is on!
Launch of Il-Manifest tas-Siġar together with five other chapbooks
Winner of the first slam event organised by Għaqda tal-Malti at the National Book Festival 2022
Interviewing John Boyne at the Malta Book Festival 2022
The poem “Ottubru” read during The Daphne Festival
Review of “Inner Demons” by Angela Bettoni
It-tnedija ta’ Meta tlaqt lil Adam tinsab hawn.
Is-Sibt filgħaxija, 8 ta' Jannar fis-7.30pm, ejja isma' d-diskursata bejn iż-żewġt iħbieb Leanne Ellul u Elena Cardona biex tiskopri iktar dwar il-ġabra friska ta' poeżiji Meta tlaqt lil Adam. Norbert Bugeja u Claudia Gauci se jaqraw xi wħud mill-poeżiji. Biex insebbħu l-atmosfera se jkun hemm xi ritratti ta' Aprille Zammit, li jikkumplimentaw lill-poeżiji.
It-tnedija se ssir onlajn. Iktar dettalji ser jingħataw aktar 'il quddiem.
It-tieni edizzjoni ta’ “U s-Santa!” – Is-Secret Santa tal-kittieba – waslet ukoll! X’hemm isbaħ minn qari letterarju u tazza nbid flimkien?
L-Għaqda tal-Malti qed torganizza din l-attività għal żmien il-festi tal-Milied u fiha se jipparteċipaw disa’ kittieba lokali. Kull kittieb diġà ngħata isem kittieb ieħor u ntalab ifittex xogħlijiet miktubin minnu. Dakinhar tal-attività mbagħad se jaqra x-xogħlijiet li għażel, u wara, l-udjenza u l-kittieba l-oħra se jintalbu jaqtgħu ta’ min jaħsbu li hu x-xogħol letterarju moqri.
Id-disa’ kittieba li se jipparteċipaw huma Kit Azzopardi, Simon Bartolo, Christa Boffa, Leanne Ellul, Claudia Gauci, Simone Inguanez, Ġorġ Mallia, Bertram Portelli, u Justin Schembri.
Nieħdu gost jekk tingħaqdu magħna online sabiex fl-istess ħin inkomplu nissapportjaw lil dawn il-kittieba stabbiliti u emerġenti.
About Festa Frawli’s writing competition on Maltarti
“Sħab” chit-chat presenation @ the We Are JC! Staff Recognition Event
Discussion about the Maltese language on Frekwenzi
Interpretazzjoni tal-poeżija “Illum se npoġġik f’postok” ta’ Doreen Micallef
Dalwaqt, fil-programm Ilsienna, dwar il-ktieb Il-Fatat Kaħlani (ma’ Clare Azzopardi)
Nhar l-Erbgħa, 17 ta’ Novembru, 2021, fis-7pm fi Studio B fejn ser ikun hemm qari u analiżi ta’ siltiet mix-xogħlijiet ta’ Prof. Oliver Friggieri minn Mario Micallef. Apparti l-qari, ser ikun hemm ukoll diskussjoni minn Leanne Ellul , Prof. Joe Friggieri, Prof. Adrian Grima u Beverly Agius u se tkun immoderata minn Joseph Borg. (Spazju Kreattiv)
Two poems translated to English by Albert Gatt published in MAYDAY magazine
Interpretazzjoni tal-poeżija “Mewt” ta’ Dun Karm Psaila
New radio programme on Campus FM to start on Thursday 7th October
Voice-over for MVintage’s new collection “Is-Siġill”; reading a beautiful poem by Nadia Mifsud entitled “Manifest lil Binti”
L-Ispettaklu Stupend Żanżan Kelma @ Żanżan Kelma 2021
Semifinalist for Premio Rilke 2021 (poems translated to Italian by Virginia Monteforte)
Guest author at the Malta Mediterranean Literature Festival 2021
Il-Fatat Kaħlani interview on Ċama Ċama with Marco Calleja
Interview on 103 Malta’s Heart
Workshop with Summer School students as part of Malta Mediterranean Literature Festival 2021
“Writing is an act of exploration”, Clare Azzopardi interviews Leanne Ellul for the Malta Mediterranean Literature Festival 2021
“Always in transit”, Leanne Ellul interviews Inua Ellams for the Malta Mediterranean Literature Festival 2021
Reading at St. Edward’s College Summer School
World Book Day: a reading at Rabat’s Middle School (Fondazzjoni HELA)
Għanja tal-Poplu webinar: “mal-kolp tal-ħalla” (a talk with Sephora Francalanza)
“L-Inventarju tal-Kamra l-Kaħla” book launch
Guest at Versopolis, Festival of Hope
Guest at the Malta Mediterranean Literature Festival
“Margerita qed timbotta fi griżmejja” reading at Studio Solipsis (organised by Inizjamed) together with Clare Azzopardi and Claudia Gauci
Guest at the Cairo International Book Fair and book launch of Gramma in Arabic
Guest at the Campus Book Festival
Guest at the Language Pavilion MeM-Livingroom of Languages in Netherlands
Guest at the Bremen Literature Festival Globale 2017
Guest at Inizjamed’s November Open Mic
Guest at the UBUD Writers & Readers Festival
“fuq id-definizzjoni ta’ ħalla” reading at Studio Solipsis
Guest at the Young Artists Biennale
Gramma book signing at the Malta Book Festival
Presentation of Gramma at the opening of the Malta Book Festival