a book of poetry.
the latest collection of poetry
the latest collection of poetry
A manifest and celebration of wishes for trees. A wish for their permanence and everything they bring along with them: air, open spaces, stories … These tree poems can colsole us, when destruction doesn’t.
© Leanne Ellul, 2022
Proof reading: Dwayne Ellul
“Rarely has a book been so immersive. The poems, music and photos all compliment each other. A lot of the poems are intense so the other forms of media balance everything out. Obviously hearing the poems being read by the poets and seeing the photos blown up and displayed with music coming out of the speakers gives the project another dimension but the booklet stands on it’s own as well.” — Robert Pisani
“‘l-inventarju tal-kamra l-kaħla’, a playful but deeply introspective dive through the corners and corridors of the psyche”
— “Stripped Bare in the Blue Room”, Teodor Reljic (MaltaToday)
“The poems of L-Inventarju tal-Kamra l-Kaħla talk to me of family, of pain, of love and loss, but perhaps most of all, they are alive with the bonds that we share with others, with nature and the spaces in-between. Upon the first reading the poems already felt deeply personal and upon multiple readings they become even more so. Yet, there is also a lightness to these personal moments, a playfulness bordering on teasing with words (the way Leanne plays and manipulates words has to put a smile on your face! It’s surely my favourite part), and then there’s also a sensuality to the pieces, as the poems become conversations between poet and reader. Something is certainly created in these in-between spaces…”
— “To New Spaces”, Ruth Bezzina (Common Routs)
Din li naqraw hawn mhix poeżija faċli, minkejja li l-kliem użat hu dak li nużaw kuljum. Huma poeżiji li jeħtieġu jinqraw iktar minn darba mhux għax jgħabbu moħħ il-qarrej b’piż li jdejjaq, imma għax iħoss li aktar ma jinqraw aktar jidħol fil-profond tal-persona/vuċi li qed tikteb.
the book launch.
November 12, Malta Book Festival 2020